Ch 13 Find and Locate


(to search particular file)

#find /-name filename  

(to search inod NO)

#find /-inum 13326

(to know the Partition inod no)

#df –i

(to know the file inod)

#ls –i

(to search directory wise)

#find /root –type d

(to search file only)

#find /root –type f

(To search hidden directory only)

#find . –type d

(to search hidden file only)

#find . –mtime -2

(older than 365 days)

#find /home –atime +365

(less then -365 days) 

#find /home –atime -365

(to search from A-Z uppercase file) 

#find /root –name ‘[A-Z]’

(to search from A-Z lowercase file)

# find /home –name ‘[a-z]’

(to search permission of 777 of any directory)

#find /home –perm 777 –type d

(To delete a file which created before 3 days)

#find / -atime -3 –exec rm –i {}\;


# updatedb

#locate <strings>