Ch 02 Linux file system
Linux is based on unix that’s why every thing is file.
Linux Partition Table *
* In some Linux distro has some additional folder above is typical folder structure of Linux OS.
/boot : booting files (only CHS value ) boot.b There is one grub
file booting file copy will be stored in grub also that is grub.conf
(Strings boot.b ) To open character to ASCII.
/etc : all configuration stored in /etc including network service file.
/root : Home directory for Administrator user.(ROOT User)
/home : normal user home directory.
/var : Stores Variable data example : dhcp lease file, DNS entry
/sbin : administrator command stored in This Directory.
/bin : Commands for System To work (for non-root user)
/lib : Kernels modules. (like dll ) cd /lib/modules/2.6.9-11el/kernels/drivers (device Drivers)
/opt : add on application (extra software like webmin,Yahoo messenger.)
/dev : all device are stored as file there are 2 type of device Block (like : 1- HDD 2- character (like :Printer ,Mouse)
/mnt : To mount any file system (for mounting other file system)
/media : Default mount point ( C.D.Rom ,floopy)
/proc : Real time kernel information Like : how many memory use, how many programs / process are running.
/lost+Found : in every partition (if linux is not shutdown properly Fsck command will run if any bad sector found then it will put that in Lost + Found folder.
/usr : Documents and man command are stored in usr.
BIN : binary
SBIN : super binary