Windows to Linux & Linux to Windows sharing.
rpm –qa samba
rpm –qa samba-common
rpm –qa samba-client
# vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
:se nu ( to find line no)
Line 26 workgroup = workgroup
Line 41 Hostallows = IP ( address of machine) or range
[my share]
comment = samba
path = /home/India
public = yes
writable = yes
browsable= yes
printable = NO
create mask = 0765
# service smb restart
# adduser India
#smbpasswd – a India
put passwd
To give particular Read, write and execute rights.
#chmod 777 /home/India/directory
( TO give read write and execute to all sub directory)
#chmod +R 777 /directory path
( to smb store for encrypted password for sambauser)
# /etc/samba/smbpasswd
(to enable samba user)
#smbpasswd –e India
(Reading the kernel about Samba Changes)
Adding more User:
# useradd newusername
# passwd newusername
# smbpasswd newusername
# smbpasswd –e newusername
# smbpasswd –d newusername
# service smb start|stop|restart
Mount Windows partition in Linux via Network
# mount –t cifs –o username=administrator,passwd=password // /mnt/samba_mount
#Add this line in /etc/rc.local to mount on every reboot.
#smbclient –L –U username (to know what are the shared folder)
(for permanent Mounting also we can add in /etc/fstab)
# /mnt cifs username=ram 0 0
* IP has to be as per your Environment.